PC 310

PC 310

Support & accessories

    1. EPOS Gaming suite-how to videos

    2. H3PRO Hybrid - Available accessories and spare parts

      For the H3PRO Hybrid, you can replace the following items. All of which can be bought on our website. Dongle (GSA H3PRO dongle) ​ USB Dongle Stan...

    3. B20 - Additional setting in EPOS Gaming Suite

    4. H3 Hybrid - Available accessories and spare parts

    5. H6PRO - Is H6PRO compatible with EPOS Gaming Suite?

      The H6PRO is a plug-and-play headset, meaning that it does not require any set-up or additional software. The headset works optimally from the get-go,...

    6. Gaming Suite - How to make analog headset work with the EPOS Gaming Suite

      As your analog headset does not have a digital chip, the headset only plugs in your PC via Console cable (1 x 3.5 mm) or PC cable (2 x 3.5 mm).In orde...

    7. Gaming Suite - Collecting Trace and Debug logs

      Follow these steps to change the log level of the application to generate Trace and Debug logs:

    8. GSP 370 - How to update the firmware

      Download EPOS Gaming Suite from our website

    9. GSP 670 - How to update the firmware

      Download EPOS Gaming Suite from our website.

    10. Gaming Suite - Sound test

      When you click on the sound test icon in EPOS Gaming Suite, the application will not play any audio and it is expected behavior.

    11. GSP 670 - Communication channel not working

      1) Uninstall the EPOS Gaming Suite.

    12. GSX 300 - Basic Troubleshooting

      1) How do I get the most out of my new GSX 300 external soundcard?

    13. PC 8.2 USB - Firmware update

      1) Download our freeware program EPOS CONNECT on a Windows based PC and follow the installation instructions.2) After you successfully installed the p...

    14. H3PRO Hybrid - Why we should always use a Dongle for wireless connection

      The origin of a mobile phone is that of being a voice-based communication device. Therefore, support of Bluetooth headsets has been a core feature on ...

    15. B20 - Troubleshooting

      1) Make sure that B20 speakers are selected as default device in both Playback and Recording menu in Windows sound settings.

    16. GSP 370-how to videos

    17. GSP 370 - How to clear pairing list

      Make sure that EPOS Gaming Suite is running in your PC and open

    18. GSP 370 - How to pair GSA 370 dongle to GSP 370 headset